Jawa Barat - Bogor

Xanthan Gum mesh 80 ex.Fufeng - China (HALAL)

Harga :
Merk :
Xanthan Gum mesh 80 ex.Fufeng - China (HALAL)
Pembelian Minimal :
100 25kg
Pembelian Maksimal :
1000 25kg
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bogor
Dilihat :
1.750 Kali
Update Terakhir :
08-04-2014 05:43

Detail Produk

Xanthan gum berupa bubuk berwarna krem yang dengan cepat larut dalam air panas atau air dingin membentuk larutan kental yang tidak tiksotrofik. Xanthan gum pada konsentrasi rendah larutannya kental, pada perubahan suhu terjadi sedikit perubahan kekentalannya, mantap pada rentangan pH yang luas, mantap pada keadaan beku. Xanthan gum dinyatakan aman digunakan dalam pangan sebagai pemantap, pengemulsi, pengental, dan pendorong buih pada pangan. Telah dilakukan pengembangan formulasi suspensi rifampisin yang mengandung 100 mg/ 5 ml, menggunakan serbuk kristal - rifampisin dengan rentang ukuran partikel 5 - 20 um. Zat pengental terbaik yang digunakan adalah agar 0, 15% dan xanthan gum 0, 2% . Hasil evaluasi stabilitas secara fisik menunjukkan bahwa suspensi yang menggunakan xanthan gum lebih baik daripada suspensi dengan agar. Hasil uji ketersediaan hayati terbanding kedua suspensi terhadap suspensi yang beredar di pasaran adalah 84, 0% untuk suspensi dengan xanthan gum dan 88, 36% untuk suspensi dengan agar. Xanthan gum dapat membentuk larutan kental pada konsentrasi rendah ( 0, 1% – 0, 2% ) . Pada konsentrasi 2% - 3% terbentuk gel. Xanthan gum dapat dicampur dengan protein atau polisakarida lain. Xanthan gum ini membentuk film yang liat dan lentur .
 Ciri-ciri dan keuntungan gum xanthan sebagai zat tambahan:
 1.Tidak mempengaruhi warna pada bahan yang ditambahkan walaupun
 dalam konsentrasi tinggi
 2.Larut dalam air panas dan air dingin
 3.Menaikkan viskositas larutan Pada range suhu yang besar, viskositas
 larutan ber-xanthan gum tetap.
 4.Terlarut dan stabil pada kondisi asam dan basa
 5.Stabil dan sesuai untuk larutan dengan kadar garam tinggi
 6.Tidak mudah terdegradasi oleh enzim
 7.Memiliki sifat membasahi yang baik
 8.Menjaga kestabilan makanan baik dalam kondisi membeku/ mencair
 9.Agen penstabil emulsi yang efektif.

 One of the most remarkable properties of xanthan gum is its ability to produce a large increase in the viscosity of a liquid by adding a very small quantity of gum, on the order of one percent. In most foods, it is used at 0.5% , and can be used in lower concentrations. The viscosity of xanthan gum solutions decreases with higher shear rates; this is called shear thinning or pseudoplasticity. This means that a product subjected to shear, whether from mixing, shaking or even chewing, will thin out, but, once the shear forces are removed, the food will thicken back up. A practical use would be in salad dressing: The xanthan gum makes it thick enough at rest in the bottle to keep the mixture fairly homogeneous, but the shear forces generated by shaking and pouring thins it, so it can be easily poured. When it exits the bottle, the shear forces are removed and it thickens back up, so it clings to the salad. Unlike other gums, it is very stable under a wide range of temperatures and pH.
 In foods, xanthan gum is most often found in salad dressings and sauces. It helps to prevent oil separation by stabilizing the emulsion, although it is not an emulsifier. Xanthan gum also helps suspend solid particles, such as spices. Also used in frozen foods and beverages, xanthan gum helps create the pleasant texture in many ice creams, along with guar gum and locust bean gum. Toothpaste often contains xanthan gum, wherein it serves as a binder to keep the product uniform. Xanthan gum also helps thicken commercial egg substitutes made from egg whites, to replace the fat and emulsifiers found in yolks. It is also a preferred method of thickening liquids for those with swallowing disorders, since it does not change the color or flavor of foods or beverages at typical use levels.
 Xanthan gum is also used in gluten-free baking. Since the gluten found in wheat must be omitted, xanthan gum is used to give the dough or batter a " stickiness" that would otherwise be achieved with the gluten.
 In the oil industry, xanthan gum is used in large quantities, usually to thicken drilling mud. These fluids serve to carry the solids cut by the drilling bit back to the surface. Xanthan gum provides great " low end" rheology. When the circulation stops, the solids still remain suspended in the drilling fluid. The widespread use of horizontal drilling and the demand for good control of drilled solids has led to its expanded use. It has also been added to concrete poured underwater, to increase its viscosity and prevent washout.
 In cosmetics, xanthan gum is used to prepare water gels, usually in conjunction with bentonite clays. It is also used in oil-in-water emulsions to help stabilize the oil droplets against coalescence. It has some skin hydrating properties. Xanthan gum is a common ingredient in fake blood recipes, and in gunge/ slime.
 In foods, xanthan gum is most often found in salad dressings and sauces. It helps to prevent oil separation by stabilizing the emulsion, although it is not an emulsifier. Xanthan gum also helps suspend solid particles, such as spices. Also used in frozen foods and beverages, xanthan gum helps create the pleasant texture in many ice creams, along with guar gum and locust bean gum. Toothpaste often contains xanthan gum, wherein it serves as a binder to keep the product uniform. Xanthan gum also helps thicken commercial egg substitutes made from egg whites, to replace the fat and emulsifiers found in yolks. It is also a preferred method of thickening liquids for those with swallowing disorders, since it does not change the color or flavor of foods or beverages at typical use levels.
 Xanthan gum is also used in gluten-free baking. Since the gluten found in wheat must be omitted, xanthan gum is used to give the dough or batter a " stickiness" that would otherwise be achieved with the gluten.
In the oil industry, xanthan gum is used in large quantities, usually to thicken drilling mud. These fluids serve to carry the solids cut by the drilling bit back to the surface. Xanthan gum provides great " low end" rheology. When the circulation stops, the solids still remain suspended in the drilling fluid. The widespread use of horizontal drilling and the demand for good control of drilled solids has led to its expanded use. It has also been added to concrete poured underwater, to increase its viscosity and prevent washout.
In cosmetics, xanthan gum is used to prepare water gels, usually in conjunction with bentonite clays. It is also used in oil-in-water emulsions to help stabilize the oil droplets against coalescence. It has some skin hydrating properties. Xanthan gum is a common ingredient in fake blood recipes, and in gunge/ slime.

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